After Export facility

The Scheduled Exports facility introduced with EMu 4.0.02 provides a mechanism for exporting data out of EMu on a regular or ad hoc basis. Exports scheduled on a regular basis are executed by the server without any user intervention. When an export is complete, a record is added to the Exports module with:

  • The results of the export
  • A list of the files generated
  • Any associated errors

The user must then retrieve the record from the Exports module to access the results and the exported data.

Introduced with EMu 4.1, the After Export facility allows a command to be executed once an export has completed. Amongst other things, the command can:

  • Email the export files to a list of users.
  • Email the results of the export to a list of users.
  • Copy the export files to another machine behind a secure firewall.
  • Copy the export files over the internet via a secure transfer mechanism.
  • Send an SMS to a list of telephone numbers.

In fact, an After Export command may perform any number of tasks as it has full access to the Exports record generated. The command runs on the EMu server allowing access to the full facilities offered by the server. The After Export facility is designed to allow new commands to be added within the existing framework. In order to simplify the creation of new commands, the KE::Export perl module is provided; this incorporates much of the functionality required by an After Export command.